I must've rewritten this post 5 times in the last 2 weeks and each time I tried to be rational and even handed, but since I saw the debates, both presidential and VP, I am having a hard time not spitting piss and vinegar.
We are in an economic free fall and all these bastards can do is NATIONALIZE the financial system of America?!?! Christ, I never thought I would live to see the day that Ayn Rand would be a prophet of things to come, except Atlas is begging for a handout. I mean, Even Venezuela is calling Bush 'Comrade'!
Did any of you watch the debates? Do they think we're stupid? No of them answered a single question directly!
Look, what we need is leadership people, someone to come out and say, 'Hey, calm down! this is America and we can do ANYTHING! Who else put people on the Moon? Who else created Voyager 1 and 2, the Hubble Telescope, the light bulb, the telephone, the radio (Tesla was naturalized) and the atomic bomb (OK bad example, but we WERE first).
FDR once said "The American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory!".
THAT was leadership! This from the guy that said all we had to fear was fear itself! FROM A FUCKING WHEELCHAIR!!!
Where is that leadership now? I don't give a rat's ass if Obama is a Muslim or if Palin fired her sister's husband, I want someone to come out and tell me where the Hell this country is going and how to get there. Is that too much to ask from the next leader of the free world?
I'm too pissed to write more, I'll post later.